Does being stuck at the office working on another enthralling spreadsheet cause you to take a few too many snack breaks? This is a problem for me and I'm sure many people can relate! For about 2 weeks I have been logging my food and drink intake. It has made me mindful about my habits and I have cut back on my between meal snacking.
In those two weeks I have developed more willpower, yet not enough to keep me away from all unnecessary snacking. I am currently working at a conference registration desk where 90% of the people checked in yesterday, leaving 2 days of manning my post without a lot of activity happening :/ A short walk to the exhibition hall will lead me to tables full of pastries, chocolates, and more COFFEE! But I must resist. Here is how I am approaching this battle: Drink water or green tea (avoid sugary or highly caffinated drinks) Pack healthy snack options (Still can't eat every hour on the hour!) Read, learn, engage (always have options ready to make downtime productive) Eat high protein, nutritious meals (meat and veggies are easy to come by in Austria ;) ) Chew gum That's all I've got folks...I will report back after the conference to deliver my results! Feel free to share your suggestions in the comment field below.
4/5/2013 0 Comments What would Holly eat....I've had requests to share my typical daily diet and snack/meal ideas, so here goes.... Breakfast: *2-3 eggs scrambled with veggies or over easy over spinach - on less busy mornings I'll add bacon and potatoes *PLAIN Greek yogurt - add fruit, nuts, flax seeds, or cinnamon (oatmeal is also an option if you are non-dairy, but yogurt is my preference) *Green smoothie - spinach, kale, banana, water, ginger, protein powder Coffee or green tea - black or with a splash of half&half or coconut oil ![]() Don't forget to drink water! Lunch: *Build a salad! Start with spinach, kale, or spring mix and add your favorite veggies, fruit, nuts, and cheese *My favorite is Spinach, strawberries, almonds or walnuts, feta cheese, and balsamic (even boyfriends, husbands, and kids like it!) - add chicken, turkey, or fish if you please *Make extra portions of the dinners below and pack for lunch Water, water, water ![]() Dinner: *Salmon, sweet potatoes, steamed broccoli *Burger with sauteed veggies over salad *Chicken or beef and veggie kabobs. Bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, zucchini, anything else you like... Snacks: Red bell pepper and carrots with hummus Almonds, pistachios Lara bars (don't go crazy and eat these all the time, but they are great for a sweet tooth attack ;) ) Dessert! Dark chocolate (aim for at least 60%) Ice cream (find a brand with minimal ingredients like hagaan dazs chocolate peanut butter) Homemade sweets made with almond or coconut flour We all don't need to go on crazy yo-yo diets to lose weight and be healthy. First, the basics must be established. Being aware of the sugar and calories in what I drink was one of the first steps in my journey to becoming healthier, stronger, and more confident. Half of Americans drink soda every day and I was one of them. I loved Dr. Pepper! I have many fond memories of lunches consisting of two items: Dr. Pepper and a bag of chips, Dr. Pepper and french fries, or some days Dr. Pepper and a chocolate chip cookie! Soda is not the only guilty party sneaking into your day and adding calories that your body doesn't need. Empty calories culprits include fancy coffees (a grande white chocolate mocha has 59 grams of sugar!), energy drinks, sweetened iced teas, fruit juices, and alcohol. I'm not saying you CAN'T drink these occasionally, but you better believe you can't have them everyday and complain about needing to lose weight. We can't ignore these details!
I do have good news. There are lots of great options to substitute! My favorites include: coffee with a splash of half & half coffee with coconut oil Americano with a splash of half & half iced coffee (I looove coffee!) iced tea (make your own and experiment with different teas until you find some you love) fresh squeezed juice (this will be higher in calories, but is much more nutritious than the store-bought versions) 1/2 fresh squeezed juice, 1/2 sparkling water sparkling water water with fruit slices (lemon, orange, cucumber, etc) As with food, it is great if you can prepare drinks yourself. That way you know what all the ingredients are. If you feel the need to add sugar do so, but do it sparingly :) It's all about simple, good habits and being consistent. Good luck friends! |
AuthorI love food and hope you do too! My recipes are simple - buy the highest quality ingredients you can afford and slow down to enjoy the food that is fueling you. CategoriesAll Breakfast Drinks Food Food Prep Goals Highland Games Hot Jeans Challenge Meal Meal Plan Outfits Paleo Protein Recipes Tips Treat Veggies Water Workouts Archives
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