Does being stuck at the office working on another enthralling spreadsheet cause you to take a few too many snack breaks? This is a problem for me and I'm sure many people can relate! For about 2 weeks I have been logging my food and drink intake. It has made me mindful about my habits and I have cut back on my between meal snacking.
In those two weeks I have developed more willpower, yet not enough to keep me away from all unnecessary snacking. I am currently working at a conference registration desk where 90% of the people checked in yesterday, leaving 2 days of manning my post without a lot of activity happening :/ A short walk to the exhibition hall will lead me to tables full of pastries, chocolates, and more COFFEE! But I must resist. Here is how I am approaching this battle: Drink water or green tea (avoid sugary or highly caffinated drinks) Pack healthy snack options (Still can't eat every hour on the hour!) Read, learn, engage (always have options ready to make downtime productive) Eat high protein, nutritious meals (meat and veggies are easy to come by in Austria ;) ) Chew gum That's all I've got folks...I will report back after the conference to deliver my results! Feel free to share your suggestions in the comment field below.
7/24/2013 1 Comment 5 Habits of Healthy EatersI love food and I believe eating should be something we enjoy and look forward to! I'm not an expert by any means, but when I follow the 5 steps below I manage to eat pretty well without too much worry.
1. Keep healthy foods in plain sight! On the counter, in a fruit basket, or at the front of the fridge. On the other hand, pack up sweets and place them in the cupboard with the doors closed. 2. Prepare! Choose a day to plan meals, look up recipes, and grocery shop for the week. If you have time, take it one step further and chop your veggies and pack food into portions. 3. Start with a salad. This applies to both eating out and at home. While everyone else is munching on bread or chips, get in a serving of vegetables. A simple salad we do very often is: Spinach Strawberries, Apples, or Pears Feta Walnuts Balsamic Vinegar Dried cranberries (optional) 4. Avoid distracted eating. Move away from the TV, computer or phone and give food the attention it deserves! I'm currently breaking myself of eating and driving...bags of almonds disappear way too fast ;) 5. Enjoy your food and move on with your day. Whether you made a good or bad choice, it's done. You'll have many, many more chances. 6/6/2013 0 Comments Sweet tooth struggles!![]() Craving something sweet, but don't want to ruin all that hard work you've been putting into eating well?! Welcome to my life. I developed my sweet tooth and love for baking at an early age. It was inevitable. I grew up in the house all my friends were excited to hangout at because of the unlimited supply of sodas, candy, crackers, cookies...I know what you are thinking, poor poor Holly ;) BUT I am an adult now and I am responsible for choosing what I put in my body. While I do indulge in treats, I believe there are different tiers in the sweet world of deliciousness. My secret is to eat something somewhat nutritious, while satisfying my sweet tooth! Keep these ideas in mind when your sweet tooth strikes... Sweet snacks: Plain greek yogurt with fruit, nuts, cinnamon & honey (any combo works) my pick: 2% plain greek yogurt, walnuts, 1/2 banana, & cinnamon Pumpkin puree with nuts, fruit (fresh, frozen or dried) my pick: 1/2 pumpkin, 1/2 yogurt, shredded coconut, walnuts, and dried cranberries Fruit (check out what's in season...berries, mango, pineapple, so many choices...) my pick: banana with almond butter. Find a store where you can grind your own almond butter. AMAZING Trail mix - pick one without much added sugar (ie M&M's, "yogurt" raisins, etc) or make it yourself my pick: Made it up myself! Roasted almonds, shredded unsweetened coconut, and dark choc chips ![]() Sweet drinks: Shake it up! Protein shakes are multitaskers my pick: 1 scoop MRM vanilla protein powder, spoonful PB, spoonful cocoa powder, 1/2 C milk, water Fruit/Veggie smoothie my pick: 1 scoop MRM vanilla protein powder, water, handful spinach and/or kale, 1/2 banana, frozen berries, ginger root, flax seeds, and spoonful of greek yogurt (optional, depending on your texture preference) If one of those won't do the trick I try a homemade treat... ![]() Homemade goodies: Making something yourself is always better than buying from the store because you know what you put into it! Dark chocolate covered...(insert your favorite fruit, nut, or nut butter) my pick: melt dark choc chips (at least 60%) with 1/2t coconut oil in microwave (30-60sec). Dip or cover your chosen treat in chocolate, set on foil/parchment paper & let cool in freezer until solid My favorite Coconut Chocolate chip cookie recipe No bake Coconut balls recipe ...and many more on my pinterest page Bottom Line - if you are going to eat something, do it and don't feel bad about it. Ain't nobody got time for that! Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts. Comments encouraged! 6/1/2013 3 Comments Workout Outfit under $50!![]() First of all, this picture was taken after a strenuous workout in the heat! No makeup, no pretty hair, because if you look amazing after a workout you might be doing something wrong ;) Or you are very, very lucky! While I do love splurging on a few key pieces at Lulu (I own 3 to be exact), shopping for expensive workout clothes is not sustainable for me. It is possible to create outfits that are cute, functional, and affordable. I've broken down one of my favorites below. PS: watch out for bees in this bright sunshine-y outfit. Seriously, a swarm flew over me when I was doing my downward better believe I jumped up and ran until they were out of sight :D ![]() Mossimo stripe racerback tank (Yellow Boom) - Target $10 ![]() Champion shorts (Indigo Screen) - Target $24.99 ![]() Cutout back sports bra (Black) - Forever 21 $13.80 We all don't need to go on crazy yo-yo diets to lose weight and be healthy. First, the basics must be established. Being aware of the sugar and calories in what I drink was one of the first steps in my journey to becoming healthier, stronger, and more confident. Half of Americans drink soda every day and I was one of them. I loved Dr. Pepper! I have many fond memories of lunches consisting of two items: Dr. Pepper and a bag of chips, Dr. Pepper and french fries, or some days Dr. Pepper and a chocolate chip cookie! Soda is not the only guilty party sneaking into your day and adding calories that your body doesn't need. Empty calories culprits include fancy coffees (a grande white chocolate mocha has 59 grams of sugar!), energy drinks, sweetened iced teas, fruit juices, and alcohol. I'm not saying you CAN'T drink these occasionally, but you better believe you can't have them everyday and complain about needing to lose weight. We can't ignore these details!
I do have good news. There are lots of great options to substitute! My favorites include: coffee with a splash of half & half coffee with coconut oil Americano with a splash of half & half iced coffee (I looove coffee!) iced tea (make your own and experiment with different teas until you find some you love) fresh squeezed juice (this will be higher in calories, but is much more nutritious than the store-bought versions) 1/2 fresh squeezed juice, 1/2 sparkling water sparkling water water with fruit slices (lemon, orange, cucumber, etc) As with food, it is great if you can prepare drinks yourself. That way you know what all the ingredients are. If you feel the need to add sugar do so, but do it sparingly :) It's all about simple, good habits and being consistent. Good luck friends! |
AuthorI love food and hope you do too! My recipes are simple - buy the highest quality ingredients you can afford and slow down to enjoy the food that is fueling you. CategoriesAll Breakfast Drinks Food Food Prep Goals Highland Games Hot Jeans Challenge Meal Meal Plan Outfits Paleo Protein Recipes Tips Treat Veggies Water Workouts Archives
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Photo used under Creative Commons from Ewan-M